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Cake Salad

Cake Salad emerges as a culinary surprise, blending the unexpected with the familiar in a harmonious medley. At its heart, this dish features key ingredients such as tender eggs, succulent crab sticks, and creamy mayonnaise, which work together to create a texture and flavor profile that's both unique and inviting. Discovered during travels that sparked a curiosity for global cuisine, Cake Salad defies conventional dessert norms, offering instead a savory experience that draws on simplicity and sophistication alike. Inspired to replicate and perfect this dish at home, the journey of bringing Cake Salad to the table is one of exploration and creativity. This recipe is not just about the ingredients or the method but about sharing a piece of culinary discovery with others, inviting them to explore the expansive world of taste and texture beyond the traditional boundaries of cake. It's a testament to the adventures that lie in melding different culinary traditions, and a celebration of flavor that encourages a foray into the diverse palette of the global culinary scene.
Prep Time 25 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes
Course Salad
Cuisine French
Servings 1 people
Calories 658 kcal


  • 1 spoon
  • 1 beautiful dish


  • 1/2 cup rice
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 onion
  • 200 g of crab sticks
  • 1 b. canned corn
  • Mayonnaise


  • We share the corn into 2 parts, one we leave for decoration. Cut roses tomato peel.
  • Starting with the first layer of our lettuce – 1/3 of boiled rice, mayonnaise. Each new layer is pressed down well with a spoon.
  • The next layer of the egg (half), mayonnaise.
  • Follow the crab sticks or crab meat (half), mayonnaise.
  • Next, lay out already all corn, mayonnaise.
  • Then another 1/3 of rice, mayonnaise.
  • crab sticks that we stayed, mayonnaise. Finely crumbled onions, mayonnaise.
  • The eggs that are left, and mayonnaise.
  • Fig.


Now we need to make our salad was on a beautiful dish, and even upside down, so we cover it prepared dish and carefully turn over.
A plate of salad in which we prepared carefully remove.
If you are well-trampled all layers then your salad does not fall apart.
Keyword crab sticks, mayonnaise, onion