How to make Cake Salad

On a recent journey that whisked me away to enchanting corners of the world, I had the fortune of encountering a dish as intriguing in name as it was in taste: Cake Salad. This unique delicacy, far removed from the sugary confections its name might suggest, presented a captivating blend of flavors and textures. Central to its creation are tender eggs, succulent crab sticks, and creamy mayonnaise, each ingredient playing a pivotal role in forging a harmonious medley that dances on the palate. The salad’s creamy richness, coupled with the delicate sweetness of crab, offers a culinary experience that transcends the ordinary. Inspired by this delightful fusion of simplicity and sophistication, I embarked on a quest to recreate it within my own kitchen walls. After a series of trials and tasteful experiments, I’ve honed a version of the recipe that captures the essence of my gastronomic revelation abroad. It is with great excitement that I now share this discovery, inviting you to partake in the celebration of flavors that is the Cake Salad, a testament to the adventures that await in the global culinary landscape.

Cake Salad

Cake Salad emerges as a culinary surprise, blending the unexpected with the familiar in a harmonious medley. At its heart, this dish features key ingredients such as tender eggs, succulent crab sticks, and creamy mayonnaise, which work together to create a texture and flavor profile that's both unique and inviting. Discovered during travels that sparked a curiosity for global cuisine, Cake Salad defies conventional dessert norms, offering instead a savory experience that draws on simplicity and sophistication alike. Inspired to replicate and perfect this dish at home, the journey of bringing Cake Salad to the table is one of exploration and creativity. This recipe is not just about the ingredients or the method but about sharing a piece of culinary discovery with others, inviting them to explore the expansive world of taste and texture beyond the traditional boundaries of cake. It's a testament to the adventures that lie in melding different culinary traditions, and a celebration of flavor that encourages a foray into the diverse palette of the global culinary scene.
Prep Time 25 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes
Course Salad
Cuisine French
Servings 1 people
Calories 658 kcal


  • 1 spoon
  • 1 beautiful dish


  • 1/2 cup rice
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 onion
  • 200 g of crab sticks
  • 1 b. canned corn
  • Mayonnaise


  • We share the corn into 2 parts, one we leave for decoration. Cut roses tomato peel.
  • Starting with the first layer of our lettuce – 1/3 of boiled rice, mayonnaise. Each new layer is pressed down well with a spoon.
  • The next layer of the egg (half), mayonnaise.
  • Follow the crab sticks or crab meat (half), mayonnaise.
  • Next, lay out already all corn, mayonnaise.
  • Then another 1/3 of rice, mayonnaise.
  • crab sticks that we stayed, mayonnaise. Finely crumbled onions, mayonnaise.
  • The eggs that are left, and mayonnaise.
  • Fig.


Now we need to make our salad was on a beautiful dish, and even upside down, so we cover it prepared dish and carefully turn over.
A plate of salad in which we prepared carefully remove.
If you are well-trampled all layers then your salad does not fall apart.
Keyword crab sticks, mayonnaise, onion

Cooking tips about Cake Salad

Mini Salad Cake Recipe with avocado mayonnaise by The Kitchen Babe

  • Quality of Ingredients: Opt for the freshest eggs and high-quality crab sticks for the best taste and texture in your Cake Salad. The freshness of these ingredients significantly impacts the overall flavor profile of the dish.
  • Mayonnaise Selection: Choosing the right mayonnaise is crucial. Use a creamy, rich mayonnaise that complements the delicacy of the crab sticks and the lightness of the eggs. A high-quality store-bought option or homemade mayonnaise can elevate the dish.
  • Balancing Flavors: The key to a perfect Cake Salad lies in achieving a harmonious blend of flavors. Be mindful of the seasoning – too much salt can overpower the subtle sweetness of the crab sticks, while insufficient seasoning can lead to a bland taste. Taste as you go and adjust accordingly.
  • Layering Technique: When assembling the Cake Salad, ensure each layer is even and well-pressed. This not only affects the presentation but also ensures that every bite has a balanced mix of the eggs, crab sticks, and mayonnaise.
  • Chill Before Serving: Allow your Cake Salad to chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour before serving. This setting process enhances the flavors and makes slicing easier.
  • Garnishing and Presentation: A visually appealing presentation adds to the enjoyment of Cake Salad. Consider garnishing with additional crab stick pieces, a sprinkle of paprika, fresh herbs, or even a light drizzle of extra virgin olive oil to introduce color and elevate the dish’s aesthetic appeal.
  • Experimental Additions: Don’t hesitate to introduce other elements into the Cake Salad if you feel adventurous. Ingredients such as sweet corn, diced celery, or chopped scallions can add texture and contrast to the creamy, soft base of the cake.

Serving suggestions about Cake Salad

Salad Cake

  • Elegant Plating: Serve individual slices of Cake Salad on chic plates. A white plate can make the colors of the salad pop, presenting a visually appealing contrast.
  • Garnishing: Top each slice with a dollop of mayonnaise, a sprinkle of paprika, or fresh dill to enhance both the flavor and the visual appeal. The garnish should complement the flavors of the cake without overpowering them.
  • Fresh Side Salads: Pair the Cake Salad with a light, fresh green salad or a citrusy arugula salad. The freshness of the greens balances the richness of the cake, providing a harmonious eating experience.
  • Dressing Drizzle: For an extra zest, consider a light drizzle of a lemon-infused olive oil or a delicate balsamic reduction over the Cake Salad before serving. This can add a bright note to the dish.
  • Bread Basket: Offering a basket of assorted bread—ranging from crispy toasts to soft brioche—allows guests to enjoy a variety of textures alongside the Cake Salad. This also adds an element of communal dining as guests can share and experiment with pairing different types of bread with their salad.
  • Wine Pairing: Choose a wine that complements the creamy and savory notes of the Cake Salad. A crisp white wine, such as a Chardonnay or a Sauvignon Blanc, can cut through the richness while enhancing the dish’s flavors.
  • Final Touches: Considering the layers and components of the Cake Salad, a final touch of freshly cracked black pepper or sea salt can elevate the taste right before it’s served. These elements add a burst of flavor, accentuating the creamy and savory profile of the salad.

Top 5 FAQs about Cake Salad

Salad Cakes Are Taking The Internet By Storm

  • What makes Cake Salad unique compared to traditional salads? Cake Salad diverges from the norm by combining flavors and textures not typically found in desserts or salads, presenting a savory experience with layers of tender eggs, succulent crab sticks, and creamy mayonnaise. It’s a culinary surprise that defies conventional dessert norms, offering instead a savory exploration that melds simplicity with sophistication.
  • Can I use alternatives for crab sticks in the Cake Salad recipe? Yes, while crab sticks are key to the classic Cake Salad, they can be substituted with similar seafood items, such as shredded imitation lobster or even real crabmeat, depending on preference and availability. Each alternative brings its own unique flavor profile to the dish, allowing for customization.
  • How important is the layering technique in Cake Salad? The layering technique is crucial for achieving the perfect balance of flavors and textures in Cake Salad. Ensuring that each layer is evenly distributed and well-pressed helps create an inviting presentation and ensures that every bite offers a harmonious mix of eggs, crab sticks, and mayonnaise.
  • Is it necessary to chill Cake Salad before serving? Chilling the Cake Salad for at least an hour before serving is recommended, as it allows the flavors to meld and enhances the overall taste. Additionally, chilling makes the salad easier to slice, ensuring it holds its shape when served.
  • Can I add other ingredients to the Cake Salad? Absolutely! While the traditional recipe includes eggs, crab sticks, and mayonnaise, feel free to experiment with additional ingredients like sweet corn, diced celery, or chopped scallions. These can add extra texture and contrast, enriching the dish’s flavor palette and adding a personal touch to the recipe.

In the realm of culinary adventures, Cake Salad stands as a vibrant testament to the magic that transpires when curiosity meets creativity. Born from a serendipitous discovery during travels that piqued a fascination with global cuisine, this dish embodies more than just an amalgamation of ingredients; it represents a journey across cultures, the forging of memories, and the reimagining of what a salad can be. With its core components of tender eggs, crisp crab sticks, and luscious mayonnaise melding into a symphony of flavors, the Cake Salad challenges the palate with its unexpected delight and surprising satisfaction. This culinary exploration, which began in distant lands and was perfected in the hearth of my own kitchen, now culminates in a shared recipe, inviting others to embark on their taste adventures. As you prepare Cake Salad, let each layer be a reminder of the countless possibilities that cooking harbors, bridging traditions and innovations. May this dish not only satiate hunger but also inspire a quest for discovery in the boundless world of gastronomy, celebrating the unique interplay of ingredients and cultures, one slice at a time.


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